The problem with having a good day

Today was a good day. Maybe a great day even. It was my second day back in my second home. I didn’t do much but I enjoyed it a lot.
But here’s the problem with a good day. I was having so much fun enjoying my day that I forgot to think about a blog topic. I am now sitting in front of my laptop, just before sleep trying to come up with a topic. But a topic isn’t coming up. Also, I can’t use the topic templates I have because I am sleepy and my brain isn’t functioning. So I needed to write about something simple. But none of the topics I thought about were simple.
Then I thought, why not just ramble about the problem I am facing. If you enjoy your day too much, you might end up forgetting important things you were supposed to do. Lesson learned. Time to go to bed.


Casey Neistat Vlog 009


How memories attach to a place