Struggle with dieting, how to get over them?

Dieting is never easy. It takes lots of discipline and willpower. Especially if you have the body type that quickly puts on weight.
I have been on a weight loss journey since 2019. I have gone through multiple phases. I have tried different ways to maintain my diet. Some were successful while others failed.
I have recently started intermittent fasting. It has been going well so far. But the difficult part has been the food I am eating once breaking my fast. I have been eating too many calories. One thing that has contributed to this has been eating lunch outside. Due to the nature of my office and lunch timings, I have been eating a lot outside. I used to always eat my meals at home. But nowadays I have lunch or dinner outside a lot. I don’t have control over my calories.
Even though I have been running a lot it hasn’t impacted my weight. Previously in my weight loss journey, I ran less but my diet had a huge impact. I need to go back to that.
One of the things that helped me in the past was counting my calories. I did it more than 170 days in a row. This helped me keep my diet in check. After that, it became second nature. I didn’t need to count my calories.
The other thing that helped me was making my own meals. If you can control what you eat, it’s easier to control your calories. I need to go back to doing that.
If you have any other tips, share them. Need to get back on a good diet.


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