EPL is back in two days!

The World Cup is over. End of the football festival. A lot of the seasonal fans will be going back to not watching football. They will be back again in four years to add to the football festivities. But for the club football fans, it’s back to the weekly dose of football.
The EPL is back in two days. Club football has its own charm. It’s great to have something to look forward to every weekend. Following the ups and downs of your club has its good sides and bad sides. But for a football fan, it is a part of life.
The world cup will have an impact on the premier league. I think the EPL had the most amount of players in the world cup. Also, it is unusual to have a break mid-season like this. It will be interesting to see how it impacts different teams in different parts of the table.
For Manchester United, I think it was a good time for a break. With all the Ronaldo drama behind it, United can focus on the team and its future. Also, the news of a potential sell of the club is also huge. Erik Ten Haag will have definitely taken advantage of this break to get some training done with the players available. Hoping for a better start to the new year.


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