First sunset of June 2022

Some sunsets make you feel lucky that you are alive. Today was such a day.
I just finished one of my classes. I had a small 10-minute window to go out and get coffee. It was tight but I decided to go out anyways. As I stepped outside my eyes glanced upon this mesmerizing scene. Usually, I have to edit the sunset photos and bit to make them catch the eye, but some sunsets like today need no edits. It was as if someone was sitting there and painting the perfect sunset.
As I was walking to the convenience store to get the coffee I stopped and snapped some pictures. I couldn’t help but stop and admire the sunset. I don’t know why I find something that happens every single day so beautiful. Maybe it’s just me, or maybe there are more people like me. But every time I experience a beautiful sunset I can find meaning in a simple life. I reassure myself about the happiness in simple things in our life. Just like a simple sunset or a cold glass of water on a sunny day. You don’t need much to be happy, but you want a lot. It’s tough to love a simple life. It’s tougher to lead one. But if you can, happiness is in your control.


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