Falling behind schedule, how to get out of it

This week or this month rather, I have fallen into the trap of falling out of schedule. I have put too many things for later and I haven’t got them done. I have procrastinated a lot which has rewarded me with falling behind schedule.
I am someone who loves planning things. Setting goals. Then achieving those goals. But recently I haven’t had the best of times. Adjusting to a new city and job hasn’t been easy. But I have used that as an excuse for too long. I have put things off for so long that now I have a ton of things to get through. Which in return has made me demotivated to get them done since I have so much to do.
What do you do when you are facing such a problem? I honestly don’t have the right answer but I can at least attempt.
The first step is to accept the fact that there is a problem. We have too much to do. We can’t just keep on putting things for the future. We need to stop. We need to acknowledge the situation.
Once we have come to terms with the situation, we need to start prioritizing things. Some things that we have put off for so long might not be relevant anymore. Some might be more pressing. We need to decide which ones are more important.
After that, we need to tackle them one by one. Slow and steady. We can’t rush back into things. We need to work smart. Slowly we will get back to schedule.
That’s one way. The other way is to let go. Take a break. We can’t get everything done. We will fail. We will make mistakes. We will not complete everything on our to-do list. And you know what? It’s completely fine.


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