7 more blogs to go

A week left of daily blogging. It hasn’t been perfect. But I have learned a lot.
It has been getting harder and harder to write a new blog post. I think it was around day 250 when I stopped enjoying the writing. I liked writing but the act of writing every night before bed didn’t entice me. I already had the habit of updating my journal every night. But also having to write a blog after it felt like a chore. My brain didn’t have the willpower to go through it.
But I somehow dragged myself to this day. A week left. Just seven more blogs. I can surely write seven more. After that, I will probably take a break from writing. Need to set newer goals.
But till then let’s keep writing. Let’s find out the topics. Let’s write some blogs.


A good night’s sleep is underrated


EPL is back in two days!