Casey Neistat Back to NYC

It finally happened. After three years Casey is back in NYC. I have been writing a blog on his vlog series and I never expected him to be back this soon. I thought he would be back in NYC after 10 years. But here is.
I don’t live in NYC but I am still excited. It was a special moment on Twitter. Everyone was buzzing after seeing his tweet and the video. I am pretty sure he was planning this video for a long time.
The video is beautifully crafted. The storytelling and the shots he took for it are great. Especially the shot at the end on the boosted. I am pretty sure it’s everyone’s favorite shot.
NYC is a great city for Casey. But not for everyone. I have heard so many complaints from friends who are from NYC or lived in NYC. But for Casey is different. He built his life around the city. It’s hard to let go of something like that. For the city of NYC to Casey is like a brand ambassador. Casey needs NYC as much as NYC needs Casey.
Hope he enjoys his life back in NYC.


Typhoon and holidays


The importance of authenticity in content creation