The importance of authenticity in content creation

I consume a lot of online content. I admire a lot of different online creators. I want to be an online creator myself. Well, I have been creating for a few years, I can call myself an online creator too. But I haven’t still found my own place.
I have been trying to be an online creator for a while. I have experimented with multiple styles. But one thing I have lacked is authenticity.
I have tried to be multiple people. But I haven’t tried to be myself yet. When you are creating online, authenticity is very very important. Look at your favorite creators. Most of them are unique and authentic. Yes, all of them started out trying to be someone else, but slowly they found their own thing. As soon as they became authentic they made their mark.
That has been my biggest struggle. Trying to emulate my favorite creators has been fun. I have learned a lot. But it also hasn’t let me be authentic. I have studied how to make a Matt D’Avella video or a Casey video or an MKBHD video. I have tried emulaating their styles. But now I need to find my own style. I need to find my voice.
It hasn’t been easy. I have been struggling for months and that’s why I haven’t posted a video. I am still figuring things out, but the day I do I will be back. I will back and I will be authentic.


Casey Neistat Back to NYC


Seven years in Japan- Time to reflect