Why do we expect from the universe?

I will keep today’s blog short and simple. I am currently reading Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I am just in the first few pages and these parts really stuck with me.
”The foremost reason that happiness is so hard to achieve is that the universe was not designed with the comfort of human beings in mind”
”The earth may be our only home but it is a home full of booby traps waiting to go off at any moment.”

This universe is not hostile, nor yet is it friendly. It is simply indifferent.
— J. H. Holmes

In this beginning part of the book what I think the writer is trying to talk about is how we expect a lot from a universe that is indifferent to us. Even though the earth is considered the optimum planet for humans to live in, it is not an easy existence. In spite of knowing this about our universe, we tend to expect a lot of good from the universe. We tend to take the universe for granted. Maybe it’s just human nature. As something good happens in our lives we start to expect more good. This expectation starts to take away any kind of happiness. That’s why they say, “Expectation is the thief of joy’’.
I never thought about this. That’s why I love books that make you think. I read this one part and I thought about it the whole day. I am thinking about it as I write this now.
So if you are reading this I want you to also think about this. Ask yourself “Why do we expect from the universe?”. If you do have an opinion let me know. If you also love coffee let me know! You can reach me on my Instagram @rash__eeq or just comment here.


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