Rasheeq Islam

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Where do early childhood memories go?

Today while driving to work I was thinking about my childhood memories. Not the memories that are easy to remember. But the ones that are early childhood. The first 10 years of your life.
I was thinking about how I hardly remember much before my 10th birthday. I have pictures to look at. But none of those pictures point back to a memory stored in my mind. They are just pictures from those moments.
For example, when I was 3 years old I went to England with my parents. That was the first time I ever went out of Bangladesh. The year was 1998. We traveled to England and also France. I have 0 memories of that trip. I only have some pictures of moments from that trip. But looking at those pictures I can’t recollect those moments. Maybe you aren’t supposed to remember events so long ago. But why does this happen? I am pretty sure there’s a scientific reason for this, but it’s really interesting to think about how the brain works.
My earliest recollections are from the time I became 10 years old. So anything after 10 years old, if I look at the pictures I can remember the days. Ever since I started making videos it has been much easier. I have vlogs that point to a specific chapter of my life. The documentation is beautiful. Journaling is amazing. I am glad I started doing those.