When you are always playing catch up

Today was one of those days where I was always playing catch up. I woke up later than I usually do and it ruined the pacing of my whole day.
Do you have days I like these? I guess everyone does. Some people might have years go by like these. Moments were you always feel time rushing by you while you are trying to catch up. Due to being ill last week, a lot of things I wanted to do got pushed back. Now I have a pile of old things that I need to get done while the things on my schedule are coming up. It’s not helping me function because I always feel like I am catching up.
Don’t worry. I am not having a breakdown. I just amplified my feelings a bit because I needed to post today’s blog. I was sitting in front of a blank page, thinking about what should I write about. It’s almost the end of the day. Normally I try to think of a topic throughout my day but today as I said, I was catching up. So instead of thinking of something interesting I am just venting. Sometimes you do it to let it all out.
I hope I can stop playing catch up and get back to my normal routine. Being sick and falling behind on things you want to do never helps. But complaining won’t help me. I will just have to take things one day at a time.


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