What if you could make headlines about your life?

I haven’t still found a solid way of getting ideas for the blog. I am getting there but I need to study a bit more about online writing before I can settle on a system. While thinking about the idea for this blog I glanced over yesterday’s blog and the title reminded me of newspaper headlines. Thus this blog was born.
I used to read newspapers when I was young. Dad used to keep the English newspapers at home so that we could practice our English. Every morning I used to wait for the newspaper, find the sports section and start reading. Sometimes in my room but often in the toilet. ( I am sure I am not the only one). When I started the habit of reading newspapers I used to mostly read the headlines and skim through the writing. I looked at headlines that caught my eye. I also looked at the photos taken by the journalists. But the main thing that grabbed your attention as a reader were the headlines.
Since I mostly read the sports section the headlines revolved around recent sporting events. Other than the generic headlines, the headlines that stood out were when some team won a championship or some player broke a record. Those headlines were something. Accompanied by the picture those headlines were inspiring.
Those headlines were written by journalists about someone eles’s achievements. What if you could write headlines about your achievements? Doesn’t need to be the biggest of achievements. It can be something simple. It also doesn’t need to be public. You can write them for yourself. But the more you start appreciating yourself, the more you will be able to grow as a person. A lot of us suffer from imposter syndrome and we never feel we are good enough. In those times we need to be our number one cheerleader. We need to be able to write our headlines.
It’s a simple exercise. I didn’t realize I was doing it subconsciously in my head. Some came through in my blogs. Every time I went 1% close to my goal would celebrate it and in my struggles, I would reflect and try to learn from them. And all those moments could be defined with headlines. Yesterday’s headline was my struggle with swimming. Maybe a future headline will be, ‘‘Rasheeq finally conquers swimming, breaks his own record.’’ Sounds nonsense to anyone else but sounds about right to me.
I remember Kevin Hart talking on the Joe Rogan podcast. He was talking about how we can think of our life as a book. When it’s all said and done and you are about to die, as you reflect upon your life, what do you want the title of that book to be? We are all writing the book of our life and the main character is us. The sooner we realize it the closer we get to name it.


The multiple life theory


My struggle with swimming continues