The importance of rest

Today I ran after two days of resting. I rarely gave my body a chance to rest this year. I have constantly been running. But lately, I have decided to take things slow. Yesterday was the first day I neither ran nor did any strength workouts. So today I had to do some kind of exercise.
I decided to run. Two-day break. I couldn't take a break any longer. so I decided to run. I ran only 2km. But it was a great run. I felt really good throughout the run. I had a good pace. I was happy and enjoying the moment. This proved to me the importance of rest.
I was so obsessed with achieving my goals for the month and the year that I put my body through a lot. I was super motivated. It’s not a bad trait to have but it is also important to be able to understand when to take a break.
That’s my advice for today. Take a break.


Casey Neistat Vlog 27


Finding work-life balance