Finding work-life balance

It’s been more than 2 months since I started my new job. The time has flew by me. My focus for the past 2 months has been to get used to the new job and city. I put a lot of my personal goals on hold so that I could focus more on getting used to the new life.
Finally, after 2 months I do feel settled. I am enjoying the job I do and I feel familiar with living in Tokyo. Everything seems really good. Now the tough part is finding a work-life balance.
My company definitely gives priority to this. I have ample time to focus on myself and my goals. The only problem is that for the past 2 months my focus has been completely on work. I have enjoyed the new role a lot so it didn’t bother me that much. I certainly wasn’t pressured to just think about work. I did it by choice.
But now I have to shift focus. I have to bring back my personal goals. I have to find a balance between both. It will be tough. I have a lot of different goals to hit. It’s not easy to fit all of them in. I hope I can do it.
If you are in a similar situation as me, my first advice would be to find a job that you like to do. Also, find a job that prioritizes your personal life. If you have these two it would be easier to fit your personal life.


The importance of rest


86 years, but with good behavior, who knows?