The dilemma of things to do

I like the act of keeping a to-do list. It helps you keep track of things that need to be done. But sometimes it might be counter-productive. You might keep adding items to your list and never get them done.
It usually doesn’t happen with my to-do lists. But it does happen with things I want to pursue. I have an interest in multiple hobbies. I love learning new things. I believe the mindset I have is excellent. But it does take a lot of time management to be able to keep all the interests happy.
Recently I haven’t been able to keep all my interests happy. I haven’t read books or made any videos. I also haven’t taken enough pictures or edited the ones I have taken. The only few things I have been consistent at are going to work and exercising. Other than things have been on and off.
How do I get out of this bad patch? The answer isn’t easy. I don’t have enough time at the moment to pursue all the interests I have. I will have to come to a decision and put on hold some interests. I can come back to them later. But at the moment it is important for me to prioritize and give time to some of them. Or else I just waste time and do nothing.


Casey Neistat Vlog 34


Trying intermittent fasting for the first time