Should I continue this blog?

It’s been 315 days since I started writing this blog. I have posted a blog for every single day. Well, I at least tried. You can’t call each of them a blog. Maybe you can. What is a blog?
Well for me the blog started as a way to improve my writing. Writing some words every single day online. On my own website. That was it. Just simple. But as I kept on writing this blog it kept getting more difficult. Writing became easier but finding time to write became harder.
The main reason was the changes to my daily routine. In the job I did before, I had a more flexible schedule. I could find time for my personal hobbies. But my schedule changed ever since I moved to Tokyo and my new job. I am enjoying my job a lot. No complaints. But I do have a hard time finding time for the multiple hobbies I have.
The blog is something that has suffered. I have still written. I am still writing. But it’s not as fun as before. At this moment I am just writing to complete the challenge I took. But next year I want to write less, but better. I want to write when I feel like writing instead of writing because I have to.


Feeling like a tourist being an ex-pat


Casey Neistat Vlog 35