Running update (February)

I am back with another running blog.
Yesterday was the last run of February. I needed 7kms to complete 200km for the year and 100km for the month. I had a slight pain in my right foot. But I still decided to go out and run.
I managed to complete the 7km. But I might have injured myself. I am still not sure how bad it is. I did manage to run 2km today. But there’s a lot of pain. It’s not like I didn’t know this would happen. Never run with pain unless you are competing for the gold medal. But to me this 7km was important. Maybe it won’t make sense to anyone else but it made sense to me. So I accept the pain and hopefully I recover soon.
The start of the year in terms of fitness has been really good. I have managed to be consistent in all the things I targeted. Although swimming hasn’t seen much improvement I am still trying my best. Hopefully, I can get there. While fitness has been going good I had to sacrifice some other interests. For example, my videos have taken a back seat. I have to get back on track with those.


Benefits of a simple life


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