Casey Neistat Vlog 006

We are back with another Casey Vlog and trust me. This is going to be good. Vlog 006, Casey back to NY. The vlog slowly takes its shape.
The first 11 seconds is about a fan meeting Casey. Spontaneous shot. But Casey puts it at the beginning intentionally. He can quickly cut to his intro sequence. This intro sequence will be a staple in most consequent vlogs. Always with a timelapse and text over the timelapse. This one is a bit longer. Around 21 seconds.
At 31 seconds is the close-up shot. Close-up means that it’s important. Today’s shot is important because he talks about how the first 5 episodes of the vlog might make his vlog seem like a bait and switch. Because he was traveling in those episodes but on most days he is in New York City. He has to find a way to make his everyday life interesting for the daily vlog. Which he thinks will be a challenge to make it sustainable. And guess what? He made it more than sustainable. He made the city itself a character in his vlogs. What a genius!
The next 90 seconds are the start of this day. His morning run. Running is a big part of Casey and it shines through his vlog. I love running too and one of the people that got me interested in running was Casey. I can’t thank him enough. i have to start adding my runs to my videos too. Although I vlog them on my Instagram daily.
This next part is important. Watch carefully because you are about to see another big character in Casey’s vlog. No, it’s not any other human. It’s his studio. The studio!! That’s another big character. We see it for the first in this vlog. He has a shot of getting into the office and basically showing his workspace. But then he goes to see a movie made by his friend Oscar. After the movie, Casey has some fans waiting for him in front of his office. He goes and meets the fans but does say that it is disruptive having people show up at his office.
There’s a timelapse after this part. The timelapse in Casey’s vlogs serve a specific purpose. This one is to show the passage of time. Because after that immediately it is a vlog shot where he is ending his day. Leaving the office.
Vlog 006 is over. I am getting excited. This is just the start of NYC vlogs!!!


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