Running during Ramadan

It’s almost 4 days into Ramadan. It’s going good so far. One thing I was worried about Ramadan was how to fit in my running. I have a goal of running 1000kms this year and having a slow month might not help me in the long run (pun intended).
Due to my working hours I have to eat a proper iftar 3 hours after iftar time. That’s not ideal but that is the schedule I have at the moment. Based on that schedule I had 3 options to fit my running into my new routine.

1. I could run in the morning while fasting, then go to work. This option wasn’t bad but the problem was my energy level after running. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to go through my whole day of work with good amount of energy. I will give it a try later but as it’s the start of Ramadan, I skipped this option.

2. I could run right after work without having a proper meal. Then eat. This option was ideal but I really needed to trust my body and it’s stamina.

3. I could eat my meal after work and then run which would end up being a 11.30pm run. This wasn’t an ideal option because eating after a big meal isn’t good. You need time for your body to process the food. So I decided to not go for this option.

I chose option 2. Run right after work. Then eat. I was skeptical about this but after 3 continuous days of running I can say that it was a good choice. Even after not having a proper meal and after a full day of work, I have been able to run a good run. My body surprised me. Hope I can keep this up. If anyone is also working out during Ramadan, let me know how things are going with you.


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