Why does January feel so important?

It's January 31. 31 blogs in a row done with this. I have had my struggles but I am trying my best to learn from this experience.

As January ends I wanted to talk about why January feels so important.

January being the first month of the year, gets a lot of attention. I mean why not? It's a fresh start for everyone and novelty is something our brains feeds off. It’s natural for humans to feel this way. The first month of the year also gives birth to new resolutions for the year. It's a great time to plan. It’s a great time to start new things. There's a lot of positivity around January.

But as the month moves on sadly that novelty fades away and the positivity is nowhere to be seen. Everyone ends up being too harsh on themselves with their goals. Firstly, people have a really hard time making good goals. People make goals that don't make sense in the long run. They just make goals that seem possible at the beginning of the year, but most people don't break down their goals. They make goals that they think they can accomplish 365 days later but they never think about making goals that they might be able to complete monthly or weekly. And for this reason, all the positivity or all the good vibes that people have around the month of January slowly fades away. We are so happy to start the new year. So happy with our new goals and resolutions but we never really put things into place for those things to succeed. We just plan at the moment and we never think through what we are planning.

And I'm saying we here because I also made similar mistakes in the past. I never made gold in the right way and that is why I never stuck to those goals. Whatever since 2020. I have been studying goals in the right way. I have seen success in the long run, have seen progress and I have been able to be consistent with my goals.

Anyways, back to the point of the blog. This isn't something about productivity but this was about why January is such an important month or why does January feels so important? It's because January is important. It is the start of the year. It's the start of the first month instead of something new. Numbers matter in the human mind. The first day of the year matters the novelty matters. These things matter in the human mind and for this reason, it feels important and it is important if you start the year on the right foot you can end the year on a good note. The start is as important as the finish but you never. You never start. You might never reach where you want to end.

I'll stop the blog right there. I'm actually not typing this. I'm voice typing this on my phone with the Squarespace app and it's really interesting how blogging has become so easy nowadays.


“Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.”


The power of negativity