Rasheeq Islam

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“Imagined by me, drawn by Ai”-I don’t get this

For the past few months, Ai has dominated my newsfeed. Well, not Ai coming to my newsfeed by themselves. But humans using Ai to create art.
We all have heard about Dall E so far. Then came mid-journey. There are other multiple platforms for sure. But the functionalities are similar. You give it a prompt and then it produces an image closest to that prompt. They don’t take days to create the image. It just takes seconds. It’s crazy how quickly they produce how quality images. Obviously, it’s not always accurate.
But the thing that is weird to me is how people take credit for these pieces of art. Most of these people are just writing the text or the prompt for the art. The rest is done by the Ai. But still, you see posts where people are sharing these pieces of art as if it’s made by them.
Firstly, the art is made by the Ai. Using the algorithm created by someone else. it is also based on tons of data that has been fed to the Ai. So the people behind the Ai taking the credit would suffice. Or giving credit to the tons of images the Ai is based on would be ideal.
Secondly, the user is just creating the prompt. Imagining a scenario. Nothing else. I would understand if the user is an artist who is using the Ai images as inspiration. Then use that image to create their own image. But most people aren’t doing that.
That’s my opinion on the situation. I might sound too harsh. Maybe I am wrong. People are having fun with the Ai. Let them have it. But I do feel bad for the real artists who might lose some of their audience. People might just be expecting high-quality art within seconds. But for real artists, it takes a lot of time and creativity.