“I come here just to sit”

While running today I was thinking about what to write for today’s blog. At that moment this story raised its hands up and wanted to be told.
Last year during the Obon holiday, a week-long public holiday in Japan, I went to travel to a few cities. Sadly due to the storm during that week my whole plan got ruined. Ironically, the day I was coming back the skies cleared up and we had a beautiful sunny day. Although it was the last day, I had to make the most of it. That’s what I did.
On the way back home I visited a few places including a waterfall and a lake near Gifu. It was a beautiful day to drive. On my way, I saw a sign on the road about this lake. Since it was close I wanted to check it out. I drove to the lake and it was worth the detour.
As I admired the beauty of the lake and walked around I noticed this guy chilling by the lake on a fancy chair beside his car. The lake looked like a great place for camping. So I decided to ask him if he was here to camp and wanted to know some details about camping here.
To my surprise he wasn’t here for camping, he was here just to sit.

Just to sit.

He told me that he lives nearby and he sometimes drives to this lake to sit by it. He has this fancy chair that also acts as a swing. He doesn’t stay overnight. He has a couple of beers. Sits there. Enjoys the lake. Then finally leaves. That’s all he does. Although it is a perfect place for camping or fishing or anything else. He decides just to sit.
I hope the man is still continuing this habit of his. We all need more simple habits like this.


Chariots of fire- Recommended by Hugh Jackman


Shane Warne