Chariots of fire- Recommended by Hugh Jackman

Today while listening to the Tim Ferris Podcast episode with Hugh Jackman I heard about this movie. It was recommended by Hugh himself. As soon as I heard that it was about running I had to watch it. Before I talk about the movie I would highly recommend the podcast episode. It was great to hear the interview. A lot to learn from it.
The movie was made in 1981. It’s based on a true story. I had never heard about the movie before. I am glad I got to watch it when I am at a stage of my life where I love running.
The story is about two runners who run for two different reasons. One of them runs for his faith while the other runs to fight discrimination. I don’t want to give away the story. But it was told in a really beautiful way. I really loved the pacing of the movie. It was a 2-hour movie but it kind of felt longer, which isn’t a negative here.
I enjoyed the shots taken by the director. Especially the shots of the races. They portrayed the emotion really well. The ending made me emotional. Although you know what is going to happen, you expect it but when that moment comes you can’t help but smile.
I loved how running gave purpose to the two main characters. I enjoyed seeing their drive to be the best. It was also interesting to see that in spite of having similar goals they were both doing it for two completely different reasons. That contrast was portrayed really well.
If you are someone who loves running, I bet you have watched this already. But if you haven’t do give it a watch.


The day I changed my Twitter handle


“I come here just to sit”