Getting attached to moments

I was out today to fly my drone for the last time in Toyohashi. I am leaving on Saturday so I wanted to get this one drone shot that I always planned but never got the time to shoot. Today I made time to go and get that shot.
The picture you see is a shot from this morning. But this blog isn’t about this shot. It’s about the thoughts I had while going to the location. I was thinking about how attached I got to the city of Toyohashi. I only lived here 14 months but it has become a special place.
I was questioning if this was unusual or not. I rarely get attached to another human being. But a do get attached to places, nature, or moments. Every time there’s a moment I cherish, I try to take a mental note of it. I try to keep it in my subconscious. I try to go back to that moment during meditation or deep thought. To me that mental note works and I go back to that moment. But I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone.
If it is the same for everyone then I hope you also take mental notes of special moments in your life. You can take all the photos and videos you want, but the feelings you have at a particular moment come from your heart. You can keep them in your mind instead of digital media. When your revisit those moments you can relive that feeling too.
But if it’s not the same for everyone, I wonder what’s going on in my head. Whatever it is, I guess it’s for the good. I hope I can keep on making memories like these and revisit them. Today was a moment to remember.


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