Rasheeq Islam

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The slavery of the mind

Slavery can be defined as the condition where you are forced to do something by another person. You have no freedom and anything you do is controlled by that person.
I hope I am not wrong. But this kind of slavery has slowly been in a process of eradication. Although it still exists its not us prevalent.
But one kind of slavery that is prevalent, that almost everyone feels victim to is the slavery of the mind. If what you want to do with your life and your happiness depends on what unknown people, whom you don’t care about, dictate then you are slave of the mind too. You are constantly seeking out approval or trying to fit in.
Before someone starts arguing, yes I agree that feedback or appreciation is important. But that is important from the right people in your life. If you never start something because you think what will people say. then you are a slave of the mind. If you don’t prioritize your own happiness but want to fit in the system and live someone else’s life, you are a slave of the mind.
There are countless more examples I can give but I have a very bad headache I need to go to bed. Hope I recover tomorrow and write a better blog.