Casey Neistat Vlog 007

Back with another Casey Vlog. This one is in New York too. Get ready for a great vlog.
As soon as you start this vlog you will start to see a pattern that will be common in future vlogs. It is a random shot in the city. The first 16 seconds is about him buying a dollar pizza. Then it cuts to the usual timelapse and title sequence.
After 30 seconds it is a close-up shot. And remember what we learned about close-up shots? A close-up shot means it’s an important shot. You have to listen. Here he talks about his first week making the vlog and the reason he started it.
From minute 1 some vlog shots are seen. This part is about his daily run. Thank God he shared his running during his vlogs. Inspired me to become a runner. After his run, it’s the start of a new segment on the vlogs. The questions and answers section. This section is a staple in a lot of future vlogs. You know he had planned this because as he mentioned here, he shot this intro last summer.
The Q/A starts and he lets the viewers know that the audio is going to be bad. You can see the nice fluid transition there. The next 2 minutes is just Casey answering questions until the question about kickflip. This is where this part ends. There is a timelapse and as we learned time-lapses mean a passage of time. So it will be a different scene. Here he talks about going back to his house to fix his baby’s bed.
The next sequence is of him at his home. Fixing the bed and after that, he goes back to the office. But the interesting part is here is where the vlog ends. He deosn’t try to show you all of his days. I think he mentioned somewhere that his goal with the vlog was never to show all of his day. He found parts within his day that would be interesting and highlighted those. He found little stories in the normal of his daily life. Being in New York City certainly helped but it was all about his executing.
Interestingly the title of the vlog had nothing important within the vlog. Just a single shot where did a kickflip in the office. I would love to meet him someday and ask him how he named his vlogs. Anyways, I learned a lot from this first week of vlogs. Especially this one. I love making vlogs but sometimes I struggle to make them interesting. Maybe I am thinking too much. Maybe I should start making them again. One lesson I get from this vlog is that I don’t need to record all throughout my day. Bits and parts help. But planning is important too.


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