Becoming a boring adult?

Coachella 2022 just ended. I saw many of my peers hyped and excited about the event. Many watched it live online. But unlike my peers I had no interest. That made me question, am I becoming a boring adult?
Hear me out. I understand people have different interests. But as I am getting older a lot of the things I see people of my age excited about, don’t interest me. I am in my late 20s and most of the people of my age have a common few interests. They like partying, they like earning big bucks, they like spending those big bucks, they like gaming, etc. These are some things of the top of my head. Before I continue I must say this is based on just my observation so this is anecdotal evidence.
So as I saw people posting about Coachella I had this question pop up in my mind. I have no interest in these big festivals. I have no interest in gaming anymore. I have no interest in being rich or buying the most expensive things. The more I am writing the more I am describing myself as boring. Maybe. I don’t know. I might be just writing nonsense.
So what interests me now? A beautiful day. Nice weather. A great run in that weather. Maybe going camping at a nice location and sitting there. Enjoying nature. A good hike. A good movie or TV show. Talking to my loved one. Enjoying moments together. Learning a new skill. Making a new video. I don’t know. Most are simple things. Finding enjoyment in everyday life. Maybe there are more people like me out there and I am just thinking I am unique. I hope I am not. I hope there is a group or a community out there who gets what I am saying.
Until then, I would just say I am turning into a boring adult.


Halfway through Ramadan 2022


Casey Neistat Vlog 012