Why do I like being a minimalist? Part 1

Whenever I search images with the term minimalism, I always see a lot of white images with a single subject or a simple foreground with a white background. While that shows the true origin of the term minimalism it doesn’t show how it has turned into a lifestyle choice for many people.
In today’s world, many people find meaning through living a minimalistic life. Modern life has become so complex that going back to a simpler meaningful life seems like the answer.
That was the answer for me too but it came to rather in a different way. I wasn’t living a complex life in search of meaning. I was living a rather simple life and I found that the term minimalism helped me make sense of the way I was living. Studying more about minimalism helped me simplify different aspects of my life and it helped me make decisions that were more intentional and meaningful.
In today’s blog, I wanted to share why after so many years I still like being a minimalist. There are many reasons so I will dedicate one blog to each reason. Easy hack to aid my pursuit of writing a blog a day this year.


Today’s reason is clarity. Being a minimalist helps me gain clarity. It helps me take better decisions. Nowadays as humans, we have to make more decisions than ever. We all suffer from decision fatigue but none of us actually know about it.
This phenomenon of decision fatigue doesn’t impact me as much thanks to minimalism. Any decision I take has a reason behind it and has my intentions backing it. I try to take conscious decisions instead of going through the motions. I try to do less and be more present instead of doing more for the sake of doing more. This act of thinking about my actions helps give me clarity. This clarity clears up my mind to make better decisions for the future. It creates a blissful loop that is a gift for the mind.

If you are someone who struggles with clarity maybe try to take a break sometime and listen to your thoughts. I know it’s scary but at some point, it becomes a necessity to stop our monkey minds from hurting us.

I will keep it short for today. Maybe the next reason I will explain better. If you are a minimalist too do let me know. I would love to know how it is benefitting you. You can reach me on my Instagram @rash__eeq or just comment here.


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