Flying for second time in 2022

Ever since the pandemic traveling has felt like a luxury again. Just like it was at the beginning of commercial flights. But slowly in 2022 things are getting there.
Thanks to the change in that situation I was able to take my second flight of the year. It was still a domestic flight within Japan. I haven’t flown internationally since 2018. That will hopefully happen this year.
But today was my flight back to Beppu. My second home. Since it’s a short flight I decided to take the cheap Jetstar option. It gets the job done but it has the worst leg room for someone tall like me.
Anyways on the day of the flight I woke up late. I was supposed to take the 5:05 train to the airport and I woke up around 4:50. I immediately realized that I will miss my train. I had to take the next one. But since I planned ahead I did give myself the luxury to miss that train. I took the next one and I was on time at the airport. I got some breakfast and then got ready for the flight.
I usually try to vlog my flights, but since I woke up early and I couldn’t prepare anything. I just wanted to get through the flight. I got the dreaded middle seat. I didn’t care. It was a short flight. It got pretty busy as it was during the silver week holidays. It was time to take off. I forgot how it felt on an airplane. I forgot how our body felt gravity in the air. All those thoughts rushed in my mind when suddenly the plane took off. We were in the air. Since I was flying during the day I took a glimpse outside. I admired the mesmerizing clouds while trying to feel gravity.
I don’t know why I was so much concerned with gravity. But anyways, I decided to not concentrate on that. It was time to sleep. Get through this flight. Land safely.


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