Rasheeq Islam

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Waiting for the right time

“I am waiting for the right time”
”This isn’t the right moment”
”I don’t feel like it at the moment”
”Maybe next year will be the right time”
”I need more time”
You might have heard some of those. You might have said them yourself. We are all waiting for the right time.
You can wait for the right time all you want but it's the right time when you decide for yourself. Most of us wait for society's or people's approval to decide when the right time is. But in most cases, the only approval you need is from yourself. Give yourself permission to start. If it’s not the right time now, it will never be.
You have to start somewhere. Start small. Start little. Start. Just start and things will start falling into place.
I am not immune to this excuse. I am also not executing a lot of things I want to do. I am waiting for the right moment.
This blog is for me. This blog is for you. The time is now, now is the right time.