Rasheeq Islam

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Time to set 2023 goals and reflect on 2022 goals

The end of the year and the start of the year is always an exciting time for everyone. For me, it’s exciting because I get the chance to reflect on the goals from the previous year and then set new goals.
Setting goals at the beginning of the year has helped me a lot. They gave me something to aim at throughout the year. They worked as a compass throughout the year to help me stay on course. It also added some structure to my year and how I approach it every day.
Last year when I set goals for myself I didn’t expect the changes that would happen in my life. When I set the goals I didn’t know that I would change my job and move to a new city. I set the goals based on my situation on December 31, 2021. For this reason, a lot of the goals became difficult to sustain. I ended up staying on track for two of my goals. The rest I couldn’t due to how my life changed.
For next year I do want to change my approach to setting goals. I wanted to set goals that can adapt to my life changes. I also want to divide some goals that I will definitely be able to stay on track for. Then I also want to set some secondary goals that will have some buffer. Hope I will be able to set the right goals this time.