Rasheeq Islam

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Thoughts after a 16 hour drive

I have had 2 long drives this week. One was a 21-hour drive in one day and the other a 16-hour drive today. It’s hard to do anything after such long drives, but I still managed to do a short 1km run after the drive and now I am writing this blog. Although I am writing my body still feels like it’s in motion. As I cope with that motion I want to share some thoughts from my drive.
1. I don’t have many pet peeves but one of them is people who blast their high beams. For f**ks sake, put them down when you see another car coming.
2. Truck drivers in Japan are crazy. The way they swerve around the mountain roads is crazy. How do they do that?
3. This is a thank you to all the convenience stores and roadside stations. You have made driving easy.
4. If you are doing a solo long drive prepare things to not make you bored. For me, I binged a lot of podcasts. I listened to different ones to keep me interested. Make sure you aren’t bored.
5. Eyes on the road. Hands-on the wheel. Don’t forget. No matter how easy it feels after 5+ hours of driving, concentrate!
6. Make sure you plan the drive. Don’t push yourself and try not to do more than 5 hours of solo driving. Don’t be me and do a whole day of driving alone. You might become insane.
7. Podcasts are great. Please start listening.

I have to sleep now. 5 more hours of driving tomorrow to reach home.