The significance of simple gestures

When we think about doing something good, we usually think big. Whether it is for a friend or your partner. Most people think about grand gestures. But in many cases, a small gesture can be super impactful.
It really depends on your intention. If you are thinking about doing something good for someone, that intention alone is grand. Thinking about this reminded me of the thing I did before leaving Toyohashi. I wanted to thank a few people who meant something to me during my one year in the city. I had selected quite a few people with whom I had specific memories. One of them was this old lady who ran a small cafe. I had my first breakfast at that cafe. It was my first week in the new city and a new job. I was a bit overwhelmed. When I first moved to Japan, it was a big move no doubt. But I at least had a group of people I moved in with. I also moved into the dorm. Everything felt easy.
But this move to Toyohashi was the first time I moved somewhere all alone. I knew no one in the city. I was a bit sad the first two days. But on the second day, I had breakfast at this old lady’s cafe. I had a conversation with her. She was really nice and shared about the city and what I could expect. That conversation really helped me during my first week. I still remembered it.
So I decided to just say thank you and give her a small gift. I went to the cafe not expecting her to remember me. But to my surprise, she did remember me. She was surprised to get my gift. She told me to sit down and have some food. We had a chat for half an hour. I told her about me leaving the city. She shared a bit more about herself and her cafe. It was a great conversation.
All that happened because I just wanted to do one small act of kindness. Giving back for what she did for me. The significant small gestures.


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