The line that kills many dreams

I am back with another late entry. But I hope it will be a good one. I am late because I had a great weekend even though I only had a one-day weekend.
Every time I share something about the skills I am trying to learn, I always hear this line. ‘‘ I also wanted to do that, but..’’ You can fill up the rest with whatever you want to, but this is the line that kills many dreams.
A lot of people are just stuck in the wishful thinking phase. There are a lot of things that we want to do, but we never make time to do those. The excuses are endless. A lot of them are realities of life. But at some point, we need to make a decision and start to execute some of those wishes. We will always be busy unless we take action.
So next time you have this urge to start something new. Just start it. Stop putting it off for tomorrow.


How many pairs of shoes do you need?


Casey Neistat Vlog 005