Rasheeq Islam

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The importance of drinking water

It’s almost the end of August. This means it’s almost the end of summer in Japan.
This year summer in Japan was really hot. I think hottest in a long time. One thing I realized this summer is how much I neglected my intake of water.
I am someone who loves keeping track of things. I keep track of a lot of metrics in my life. But one thing I didn’t keep track of was my water intake. This really hurt me this summer.
I have been running almost every single day. This means I also need more water than the average person. Add the hottest summer and you have a recipe for disaster. I never prioritized drinking water and it really impacted my health.
Ever since realizing that I have started tracking my water intake. According to my Garmin watch, based on my activity, I should be drinking 3000ml of water every day. Some days I didn’t even drink half of it.
It’s a simple thing I have been neglecting. But it’s a big lesson. I have started tracking my water intake and I hope it helps.