The fake lives we try to live up to

Maybe I am just weird. But hear me out.
Every time I open social media, I see fake people. I see people trying to live up to the fake lives they have built in their minds. It’s all about signaling. It’s all about other people. Every post, every comment, and every like. It’s all feeding that fake personality we are building.
Do I blame people? Absolutely not. Creating this fake online personality is the norm. We all do it. Fake it till you make it, goes the saying. But it should be changed nowadays. Fake it because that’s how society is nowadays. It’s all about the exterior. It’s all about building that image that people will see. At the end of the day when you go back to your room, all alone, this image never helps.
I am not saying I am different. I also built my own image online. I might be faking it, or I might be real. At this point, I don’t even know. All I know is that the fake personality won’t ever make you happy. If you feel happy from within, chances are that you are not faking it.


The freedom of a routine


“They lived happily ever after”, did they?