Rasheeq Islam

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The day I changed my Twitter handle

Consistency changed my life. So I changed my Twitter handle to consis10c.

Looking for people to mentor, guide, and help in your self-development journey.

If you are someone struggling to
-find a routine in life
-build a habit you always wanted to build
-find consistency
-break a bad habit
-find a direction in life

I might be able to help you out. It's might because we need to be at the same level to be able to create the change you need. If you give your commitment I will give my 100% and we will figure out a way.

For the past 3 years, I have built a habit of being consistent and consistently building habits. I have watched more productivity and self-development content than I should have and 80% of the books I have read in the past 3 years have been in the self-help genre.

After all that research one of the things I realized is that making changes in your life comes down to a few key principles. If you can follow those principles you can help build discipline, consistency, and habits that bring change in your life.

Some of the things I have managed to do consistently and some habits I took on

- I quit sugar for a year in 2020 to get over my addiction to sugar.
- I read almost 0 books outside textbooks from age 10-24. I built a habit of reading after graduating and have read almost 100 books from 2020-2022
- I ran 0km from 1995-2019. I built a habit of running and have run 1200km+ in the past 2 years.
- I got over my addiction to wasting time on Facebook by staying away from it for 365 days in 2021
- I counted my exact calorie intake for 180+ days in a row. I stopped because it became second nature to me to maintain my calorie intake
- I have maintained a digital journal on Notion for every single day since Jan 2020. It has minute details of the past 800+ days
- I did a 365 photo challenge in 2021 where I edited and uploaded 1 photo taken by me every single day on Instagram
- I have built a habit of exercising since 2020 and it's the best habit I built

If you have noticed none of these have any $$$ amounts or any certifications from any big organizations. These are personal changes that I made in my own life and the value of these are priceless to me.

We are ready to invest time and energy in education to land a future job. But we never think about investing time in learning how to live life. At the end of the day, to me living a content, intentional, and fulfilled life where you are in control has utmost importance.

My way isn't perfect. It's not for everyone. But if you are someone who has a similar mindset and a similar thirst for self-development, you can join me. You can get me while I'm still free.

One of the main questions you might be thinking about is why I am doing this. The answer is that I believe every person has a certain reason for their existence. Certain meaning to their life. I find meaning in helping others and seeing them grow. I believe it was one of the reasons I was born. To help people become better versions of themselves.