Rasheeq Islam

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The blessing of Vending Machines in Japan

What’s your favorite drink from the vending machine?

There are approximately 2.28 million vending machines in Japan. This is from 2020 and apparently, it has been decreasing for the past 7 years. But in spite of the decrease that’s a huge amount of vending machines. 2.28 million!
Vending machines in Japan come in a similar rectangular shape. Most of them sell beverages mostly. There are some unique vending machines in different corners of Japan but mostly its beverages.
Although I have stopped buying drinks packaged in plastic bottles I do still use vending machines for canned drinks. I used to use them more when I used to buy plastic bottles too. The main reason you end up using them is because of the convenience factor. They are located in really well-planned locations. Locations where you are bound to take a break and see that the vending machine is staring back at you. Even if you didn’t think of having a drink the vending machine will suggest that you buy one. More often than not you end up buying one.
As I said at the beginning that the amount of vending machines is decreasing every year. But personally, I hope they don’t go extinct. I believe they are modern-day blessings. Just like how trees provide shade vending machines provide you with the convenience of a drink when you need it. This blessing is felt the most when you travel in the countryside of Japan. They might not have convenience stores at every corner but they do have well-placed vending machines.
Let me know if you admire them as much as I do. You can reach me on my Instagram @rash__eeq or just comment here.