Rasheeq Islam

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Shane Warne

I haven’t been in touch with cricket for more than 6 years. But when I did follow cricket Australia was my favorite team. Especially during the era of Ricky Ponting.

That Australia team that won back-to-back World Cups and dominated cricket was something else. One of the players that stood among that great bunch was Shane Warne. Every time the argument about the best spinner in the world came, I was on the side of Warne. Yes, Muralitharan had his own charm. But Shane Warne was a different kind of character. He had his ups and downs but whenever he played the game you could see his passion.

I loved watching him play especially during that era. I wish I could have written a blog about him on a different day. But I am writing one on the day he passes away. It really hit me hard. Because I grew up watching him play and dominate world cricket. I have childhood memories of which his games are a part.

So it’s hard for me to hear this news. I am pretty sure it’s harder for more passionate fans and especially his family. My prayers are with him and his family.