Take the path of least resistance

I had a pretty productive day today. But sadly my blog post got pushed a bit too late. So I will keep it short and simple.
Whenever you are trying to build a new habit or routine try to take the path of least resistance. I first heard about this concept from Matt D’Avella who probably mentioned James Clear. But I am not sure who to credit this to.
The path of least resistance helps simplify the task that you want to complete. There are always cues around our environment that work against the habit or routine we are trying to build. But if we can remove these cues, we can make it easier for ourselves to execute the task.
For example, if you want to quit sugar make sure nothing in your house reminds you of your love for sugar. Make it easy for you to stay on track. When I wanted to give up Coca-cola and start drinking black coffee I had to take similar measures. I told my roommate to not drink Coca-cola around me and I also told my friends around me that I was trying to quit. I also made sure there were no drinks of that nature in my house. Whenever I had an urge for Coca-cola I instead had black coffee. Slowly I got over my addiction and dependence on sugar. I needed a lot of willpower but taking away the cues in my environment and reducing the resistance helped me execute it better.
I hope I explained that well. If not I will write about this again. Right now I am a bit sleepy and I have this Youtube video on my mind that I need to get done tomorrow. I hope tomorrow’s blog will be better. Thanks for reading.


Why is finding time to write everyday so tough?


Casey Neistat Vlog 003