Rasheeq Islam

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My struggles with rock climbing

I am back with another late-night blog and another piece about my struggles. You might start to think I struggle at everything. I wouldn’t blame you. But the reality is that I start so many things from 0 experience that it is a struggle at the beginning.
Here’s the thing about struggling. Struggling shouldn’t be looked at in a negative way. Struggling is important and struggling is fun. Struggling means you are trying. Struggling means you are out there giving your best. Struggling means that you haven’t given up. And the struggles are the moments you look back on after you finally conquer the task.
I still remember my struggles with running in 2020. I was 25, around 118kg. I never ran in my life. But I knew I had to get started. And for the month of February I ran every single day for an hour. Well I did miss the last day. If you want to know why, you can check my Instagram. I documented every single run. Every single run was a struggle and now when I look back, I feel proud of myself. I feel happy that I gave it a shot, I struggled, I didn’t give up and I conquered it. I am really grateful to myself that I documented my struggles. Ever since that, whenever I start any new activity I document my struggles.
Back to today’s topic. Rock climbing or indoor rock climbing? Should I say indoo? Today was my 3rd day. My goal is to go once every month. Give it my best and keep improving. The problem on day 2 was my grip strength. My grip was awful. I got a handgrip to exercise my hands and it really helped. Everyday I did a few reps with it and I slowly got better. Thanks to that I was really confident today that I would overcome all the beginner level climbs. But I failed at the same one I failed on day 2. It’s becoming my arch nemesis. Today my grip was alright but I couldn’t shift my weight properly and I also wasn’t flexible enough. My body is still getting used to climbing. In addition to this, in spite of all the weight I lost, I am still overweight. I am below obese now, but not at a ideal weight yet.
Anyways those are just excuses. I will have to focus on preparing better for day 4 in March. Until then I hope you are recording your struggles too. I hope you enjoy the journey because once its over, the fun is over too.