Rasheeq Islam

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Living with two cats, my experience so far

It’s been almost two months since Scar and Aria moved in. I already wrote a blog about them when they first moved in. I wanted to share a bit more since they have become a big part of my daily life.
Since I haven’t had other pets, I can’t compare them with other pets from my personal experience. But most people tell me cats are low maintenance. It’s been true so far. They do live in their own world.
When I leave for work they stay in their room and enjoy their world. When I come back they are still in their world, I am just part of it. It’s nice to have them roaming around in the house. The night is the time when they get very active. They are running around and playing with each other. I do have to keep an eye on them but for the most part, they are in their own world. Sometimes they do want to pet. It is mostly Scar. Aria has her own mood. She doesn’t like to be petted. But Scar when he is in the mood he wants to be pet. He purrs very very loudly. It does feel you with satisfaction.
Bonding with the cats wasn’t easy. In the beginning, it took them time to get used to the new house and me. But slowly they made the house their own. For me in the beginning it did feel like a chore. Cleaning their litter box, feeding them twice a day, and also cleaning the house. But slowly they felt more like family. The chores didn’t feel like chores anymore. They were just part of my routine.
My phone gallery and Instagram are full of their pictures. I have heard from other cat owners that this is bound to happen. One thing that is hard to judge with cats is their love for you. It is not easy to understand if they love you back. But for most parts, I do feel it. Especially when I come back from work and they rush to my feet. It is love or it is just there way of wanting their dinner. I will stick to love for now. Don’t want to burst my bubble.