Rasheeq Islam

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Lessons from 100 days of blogging

Day 100 of posting a blog every day. Good opportunity to look back and reflect on what I have learned so far.

1/ I am not a good writer but

The first thing I learned immediately is that writing doesn’t come naturally to me. I guess some people have the knack for it, but I have a hard time articulating my thoughts into something presentable. In my mind they are beautiful, but on paper or on the blog it doesn’t sound as beautiful. But, it's a good but, consistently posting on this blog has helped me improve gradually. I can now write a bit more naturally and those thoughts that are beautifully arranged in my head are slowly taking some shape on the blog. Not the best shape yet, but it's forming something.

2/ Don’t worry about ideas

One problem many first time bloggers have is coming up with ideas. They want to write but they don’t know what to write about. There are many easy ways to come up with ideas. There are even formats that you can follow to generate ideas. Some ideas I got were from the Ship 30 for 30 Ultimate guide to writing online. But there are a ton of ways you can generate ideas. Just google and start writing.

3/ Easy tip to write a blog a day

If you are planning to write a blog a day, ideas will become harder to come by. In that case, there are two systems I followed. One system was thinking of an idea throughout my day and writing the blog in my mind while going through my idea. By the end of the day, I had a blog post in my mind and I could just sit and write it down. But there were days where I didn’t find an idea and those are the days I go bank to the idea bank I created thanks to point number 2.

4/ It’s okay not to share

It can be daunting sharing something creative with the world. Specially online, where the audience can be zero or a million. If you are hesitant to share, just don’t share. Take your time. Write on your computer and don’t post. It helps more if you post, but it's better if you take your time with it. I had the experience of sharing videos online since 2016, so writing these posts online didn’t bother me that much.

5/ Make time to write and write a little

If you are someone who has a busy schedule, make time for your writing. You won’t ever get that perfect life where you have ample time to write. Some would say that ample time can be daunting. But you can easily fit writing in your everyday schedule. The easiest way is to not worry about how much you write. Keep 30 minutes every day for your writing. In that 30 minutes, if you can only write a sentence that’s fine. Because that sentence by day 100 will turn into paragraphs only if you stay consistent.