Learning the piano as an adult

On my 12th birthday, I wanted a guitar as a gift. My parents without any question got me the guitar. This doesn’t always happen with other gifts but this one happened. Maybe I wanted a guitar for 2 years and finally got it.
That started the journey of becoming an indie musician. Writing my own music and releasing it for the world to hear. That is what would have happened if I didn’t quit after 3 months. I did 3 months of lessons at age 12 and then school got the better of me. I got busy with one exam after another, one grade after another and just like that I was in Japan studying at a university.
Although all these years passed I still had an interest in music. I picked up the guitar during my 1st or 2nd year. I got one for free. And it kept on collecting dust. I never touched it. After that sometime during my final year, I picked up a Ukulele. This time it didn’t collect dust. I did try to learn it after my graduation. I had a lot of fun and was getting better at it. But it still seemed like it wasn’t the instrument for me.
Last March after moving to a new city I completely stopped playing the Ukulele. I had something else in mind. I love classical music. I love the sound of the piano. Every time I listen to it I feel like there’s a connection. Something inside me tells me I should learn the piano. Even though learning it as an adult isn’t the easiest thing to do. You can easily lose interest. But I still wanted to give it a try.
So almost 2 weeks back I visited a piano school. Talked about starting lessons. Had a trial lesson. The teacher was really kind and helpful. She advised me on how to approach my journey. After that trial lesson, I went out and got a keyboard. It happened all of a sudden.
I had this keyboard in my house now and I had to get started. That’s why actually I got it quickly. If I had it in the house, I would eventually get started. I love building habits and learning a new skill and every challenge feeds my soul. So as soon as I had the piano I looked for apps and online lessons. The apps disappointed me but I did find a really good course on Youtube. This was lesson 1.

The lesson was really helpful and I immediately got the book he suggested. I also started learning how to read music on a sheet. Crazy how fast things happen.
Ever since that day I have been trying to practice the keyboard for 30 minutes every day along with the lesson above. It has been a lot of fun so far and I hope I can keep doing it. Any advice is always welcome.


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