Knowing when to quit

The clock just hit midnight. I am sitting down writing my entry for the day. I am late because I had a longer-than-expected work day. I am also going on a trip tomorrow. The first and only proper trip of the month. More about the trip tomorrow.
But the thing I want to talk about today is a realization I had this month. It’s not the first time I had this realization. It’s about knowing when to quit and how powerful this act can be.
February hasn’t been an easy month. I am still trying to come to grips with the routine and targets I set myself for the year. I will talk about the targets later on in the year but let’s talk about my workout routine. One of the top priorities for this year is my workout routine. I target to run 1000km while going to the gym 4 times a week, twice for swimming and twice for the workout. It certainly isn’t the toughest routine but it also isn’t the easiest. I set myself a goal that I can be consistent with while maintaining my other interests and my job. January was an easy month for this routine but February has been a bit tough. There has been a lot more going on this month and also the gym being closed on a holiday ruined my routine. But I still tried my best to maintain the routine. I haven’t failed yet but this week might be the week where I fail for the first time. Unless I dramatically manage to get the workout completed this weekend.
Anyways, just like every other blog, I drifted from the topic. The topic was about knowing when to quit. This is a powerful act. This act has helped me a lot this month. Yes, I didn’t quit my routine because it was my top priority but I did quit some things this month that was down the list. By quit, I mean that I didn’t manage to do them this month. I will catch up again next month. But I wasn’t sad about them. Because it’s important to know when you to quit and when to persist on. It’s also important to know where your priorities are. If you are a creative person who is passionate about a lot of things, your list of todos might be endless. The best thing you can do is prioritize and schedule things. In addition to this when you schedule things you should keep some buffer time because things will happen that will hamper your routine. In those odd weeks or months, keep your top priorities straight while you quit the other ones. It’s never wrong to quit. Learn from what went wrong and then try better the next time.
One thing I have set aside this month has been my videos for Youtube. They have taken a backseat. But I'm fine with that. I will be back next month.


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