Rasheeq Islam

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Is there any end to learning?

When we are toddlers, every moment in our life is a learning moment. Our mind constantly gets stimulated with novelty around us and we just can’t stop learning.
But as we get older our learning gets institutionalized. We are put in a system to learn. To educate ourselves. But the very system that was supposed to help us learn, influences us to not love learning anymore. Learning starts to feel like a chore. We are no more excited to experience something new.
For most this feeling sticks for a long time. Most of us can’t shed this feeling and as a result, as we go deep into adulting we stop attempting new things. Every new skill we learn is a new mountain to climb. None of us want to start at the bottom and lookup.
But if we can shed that feeling towards learning, a new world of opportunities open up. I consider myself lucky because I could do that. I am excited about learning new things and the number of things I want to learn is endless. The mountain doesn’t scare me, the mountain rather calls me. I look forward to standing at the bottom of the mountain and looking up. There’s nothing more exciting than learning something new. Every time I see something new, I try to figure out if it’s worth learning. If it is, I put it on my list. If I ever become financially solvent and never have to work a day, I would spend my days just learning one new thing after another.
So my question for you today is, is there any end to learning?