Rasheeq Islam

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I attached gratitude via email today

Today as I was browsing Twitter I found this article about how Google Search is dying. But today’s blog isn’t about that article. It’s about another article from the same author. It was about writing. The title was “Write It Anyway”. This particular part stuck to me-

Whenever I share something on my social media like Instagram, Youtube, or my blog I always have a similar thought in mind. I know I don’t have many followers but I always look for that one or two people who reply to me, who message me to let me know how my posts helped them. Especially my everyday story about exercising. I have gotten messages from at least 5 people who told me my stories influenced them to start exercising. 5, not 5000. But that 5 meant a lot to me.

Anyways back to the topic of the blog. After reading this blog post by this unknown writer. I really wanted to reach out to him. Because it is rare to find someone with a similar mindset. I immediately looked for a place to contact and he generously had his email on there. His name is still unknown to me. I just know his initials DKB. But that didn’t matter to me. What mattered to me was the fact that his article resonated with me and helped me.
Without thinking much I sent out the email. I don’t think he/she/they will ever reply or not. But I hope they read the email. If I get a reply I will update this post.