Rasheeq Islam

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How running helps with processing information

Today was the 3rd day at my new job. Whenever you join a new job there are a lot of things that you need to learn and there are a lot of things you need to adjust to. On top of that if you move cities those adjustments increase.
For me, it hasn’t been easy. I have had to take in a ton of information at the office while trying to get used to living in Tokyo. That’s a lot of information that my brain needs to process. Although the brain loves novelty, too much of it doesn’t help. The brain needs to take time and process that information. Although I am enjoying the things I am getting to learn at the office, it does get overwhelming. One thing that has helped me digest the information more easily is running. Since my working hours changed I have been able to go on morning runs and night runs.
Running in the morning helps me prepare for the day. It helps me reflect on the things I learned the previous day and helps me plan what I have to do for the day. Throughout my run my brain is processing the information. The brain does it faster because of how good my body is feeling thanks to run. On the contrary the night run helps me clear my mind. I just had a full day of work where I had to use my brain a lot. I need to give my brain some breathing time. Running after work gives me that clarity. I can clear my head and after my run I can slowly process the information.
That is what has helped me so far. I know different people do it differently, but we all need to keep these in mind.