Rasheeq Islam

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How do I fit with AI?

It’s been a year since I wrote on my website. I kept it running but my wallet surely wasn’t happy. Nevertheless, it’s nice to have a small piece of the internet that is yours.
I was watching the Galaxy AI event last week. If you don’t know me, I love technology. I especially love reading and watching videos about new technology that’s coming out. Me being me, I didn’t skip the Samsung event. Although the event was for the launch of their new smartphone, rather than the hardware the focus was on the software. And if you haven’t guessed it yet, most of the software was around the integration of AI in the phone thanks to the newest snapdragon cheap.
I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t excited about the usage of AI in our daily lives. I have made use of AI to make a lot of daily time-consuming activities easier. I am excited about AI, but I am also worried about AI. I am not worried about AI taking over the world like in the TV Show Person of Interest. I am worried about the subtle ways AI might take over our social feeds.
During the Galaxy event, Samsung showed features of using AI to take photos for social media and alter the photos so much that it looks nothing like the original photo. They showed features of using AI to write your social media posts for you, just like ChatGPT can write any kind of post through some prompts. All of the features ended up blending the lines between what’s real and what’s not.
My worry from watching the event is how slowly all the content we consume might just be written by AI. Then at some point, AI will be just scrapping other AI posts to make more AI posts. People will just write prompts but the rest will be done by AI. At the moment text-based AI is more available to users. But soon most people will be creating online images through prompts. There might be a day when most of the things on your feed are AI-generated.
Sorry for painting a grim image. I am sure things won’t get to that extent. Or maybe they will and that will be just the norm. In that future era, the value of authenticity will increase. People will crave the real amidst all the AI. Then maybe I will find my place among the AI.