Finally settled after 5 weeks in Tokyo

Today was the day. I always have this day. The day I finally feel comfortable with a new routine. I was searching for this day ever since I moved to Tokyo.
The move to Tokyo hasn’t been easy. I have repeated this multiple times on the blog. Moving jobs and city and house altogether is a difficult thing to do. I had so many things to adjust to and at some points my mind got lost.
But slowly and steadily I kept feeling comfortable with my routine. The three-day weekend we had helped out a lot. Today when I went running after work I finally felt it. I finally felt settled and at home in my new area. It was a difficult day at work but I came back home and went straight to run. I wasn’t expecting a great run but my body surprised me. It was a signal that it has adjusted to the new schedule.
I haven’t had the best of runs in July. I am still behind on my goal. But today’s run gives me hope. I think I can reach my goal.
Adjusting to a new routine has a lot of barriers. I myself faced the past few weeks. We need to take things at our own pace. We all deal with things differently. Some people adjust more quickly than me. But I am happy with how things have gone. Today was just the first step to feeling at home here. I hope I can build on this feeling.


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